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Hashr8 Podcast

May 29, 2019

Marsmensch is a crypto miner, an invester, a fundamental analyst, and one of the first Shitcoin Afficionados.  

We have a great conversation about Zerocoin, Honeyminer, new mining trends, how block sizes impact the chain, and much, much more!  

Thank you for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the show!

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May 22, 2019

MeanHash manages data for some of the biggest companies in the world. He joins us to discuss how our personal information is collected, stored, and sometimes used against us.  We also talk about Facebook's cryptocurrency, and why Zuck really wants his own token.

OpSec is critical.  MeanHash breaks down his tips to...

May 8, 2019

It's our first Tripod Episode!

Join us as we discuss Bitcoin mining's break-even price, the hunt for cheap electricity, Fidelity's Mining Summit, how small miners can make money mining, and how major institutions are flocking to cryptomining at an astounding rate!  

Thank you for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the...

May 1, 2019

We are joined by Notsofast, your favorite cryptomining OG's favorite cryptomining OG. 

He is one of the blockchain industry's biggest mining proponents and most sought after advisers, and he has amassed tremendous insights during his time in crypto.  On the show he discusses how mining is often a great indicator of...